To start http interface you have two options.

Built-in simple http server:

$ dsq http -t tasks

Or use external server with dsq.wsgi app:

$ DSQ_TASKS=tasks uwsgi --http-socket :9042 -w dsq.wsgi

HTTP interface supports application/x-msgpack and application/json types in Content-Type and Accept headers.


import logging
import dsq

manager = dsq.create_manager()

def div(a, b):
    return a/b

Push tasks

Use POST /push with body in json or msgpack with appropriate Content-Type:

# Request
POST /push
    "queue": "normal",
    "name": "div",
    "args": [10, 2],
    "keep_result": 600

# Response
  "id": "Uy3buqMTRzOfBXdQ5v4eQA"


Body fields are the same as for Manager.push.

Getting result

GET /result can be used to retrieve task result if keep_result was used:

# Request
GET /result?id=Uy3buqMTRzOfBXdQ5v4eQA

# Response
  "result": 5

Error result

Error can be returned in case of exception:

# Push request
POST /push
    "queue": "normal",
    "name": "div",
    "args": [10, 0],
    "keep_result": 600

# Result request
GET /result?id=0Zukd-zyTCC3qUoJ-Pf14Q

# Result response
  "error": "ZeroDivisionError",
  "message": "integer division or modulo by zero",
  "trace": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"/home/bobrov/work/dsq/dsq/\", line 241, in process\n    result = func(*args, **kwargs)\n  File \"./\", line 10, in div\n    return a/b\nZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero\n"